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Past Events

Fall 2019

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Bringing Diverse Stories of Aging Into the Classroom: Focus on LGBTQ+ Aging

If you teach gerontology at the undergrad level we'd love to have your insights and expertise!
Please join us at the @cagacg conference for a 1/2 day pre-conference.  There is no registration fee, but registration is required!
For more event details, please visit:
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Spring 2019

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Talking About Death Won't Kill You

Based on the book entitled "Talking About Death Won't Kill You" by Dr. Kathy Kortes-Miller, Dr. Kimberley Wilson and Dr. Kathy Kortes-Miller held a two-part program consisting of an evening presentation by the author Kathy, followed by a series of four conversation sessions held at St. George's Church in Guelph. Participants gained insight on how to guide compassionate conversations and develop concrete strategies that assist end-of-life choices for both individuals and their loved ones
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Summer 2018

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© 2022 by Diverse Experiences in Aging Research (DEAR) Collaborative. 

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